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suktam mahatmya. Jai Maa Durge

Lets start with Goddess Durga Worship for her divine 9 form
What is Navratri - Navratri festival of the goddess Durga are placed. Place - in the exclusive worship of the Goddess idols are made.घरों में भी अनेक स्थानों पर कलश स्थापना कर दुर्गा सप्तशती पाठ आदि होते हैं भगवती के नौ प्रमुख रूप (अवतार) हैं तथा प्रत्येक बार 9-9 दिन ही ये विशिष्ट पूजाएं की जाती हैं। This period is called Navratri. Twice a year is a special prayer to Goddess Bhavani. One of Navratri Pratipada Chaitra Shukla Navami (in around April) occur until the second day of the second Sradd paksh (Pitra paksh) Ashwin Ashwin (around in October) Shukla Navami of Shukla Pratipada far.
In this fast nine-day worship Goddess Durga, Durga Sptsti lesson and took a vow is a time of food. Pratipada day morning Snanadi wise and resolute, and by themselves or altar of earth to sow barley. Get down on the same installation. Decreases the setting up of the statue of deity to worship and 'Durga Sptsti' Make the text. Text - Deep burns should remain intact during worship. Vaishnava who installed the idol of Ram Ramayan do. The Goddess Durga Ashtami and Navami is the Holocaust of the goddess Durga. Oblation, gram, pudding, rice pudding and enjoyment by the girl and young children should be eating. Navratri is the time to worship the power, so Navratri should worship these powers..
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