

Silence Spectral Spells for hypnotize the Ghost Phantom Worship, भूत प्रेत साधना, Bhoot Pret Sadhna

Silence Spectral Spells for hypnotize the Ghost Phantom Worship, भूत प्रेत साधना, Bhoot Pret Sadhna

Generally Peoples have the fear with name of Ghost and Phantom, Then how someone can ready to do worship for them. But it’s also true that it is not the weak heart and polluted mind work. This is one more superstition or wrong thinking is that who worship for them they will hurt the same person. Its totally wrong. This type of thinking reduces the morale and psychic force of Sadhak (Seeker or Performer) but these facts are so far from being a reality.

Ghost Phantom or Bhoot Pret are such spirits who are already in pain for their freedom. They want their freedom at any cost. So they are always ready to help us directly or indirectly. Ghost and Phantom can do good or bad works both because after their worship they come in the control of Sadhak. And now whatever Sadhak will say to them to do either it is good or bad they will be ready to do.

So when Seeker or Sadhak will ask them to do bad or he / she will do their misuse then troubles will come in their (seekers) life otherwise if they will do good use of them then definitely Ghost will helpful for them mean if you will be responsible for their freedom then these Ghost or Phantom will help you like a friends and never do any wrong or bad thing which can hurt you.

Realty all type of Sadhak or Performer or Seeker can do this spiritual practice or worship to hypnotize these ghost or phantom. AS I am going to provide you spells worship , This worship will only help you to hypnotize only high values Ghost or Phantom, bad or evil ghost can not come to near you during such worship, Because if those will come then these will burn. High Values Ghost or Phantom will help you out from problems like best friends without hurting you.


Worship Day - : Moon Day (The Day when Moon doesn’t visible and night become the darkest night of the month.

Today you will keep fast, or you can take only fruits. You will have to keep Saatvik (Noble) thinking of Ghost like Phantom will become your good friends and help you like a best friend. Keep Same thinking continue till night and during night worship.

Now at Night, Come under the Piple Tree:
i.                 Put Five nut on the five green leaves of Piple tree. Now meditate that Phantom power is residing into these.
ii.                Then offer Benzyl incense sticks, black sesame and offering flowers there.
iii.               Sprinkle rose water on the Piple leaves give thought to the pleasures of curd rice
iv.              Now Take the rosary of काली हकीक Black Hakik, and chant the 11 mala, or Chant the following Spells 11 * 108 times = 1188 times in stand position:

मन्त्र-     क्रीं क्रीं  सदात्मने भूताय मम मित्र रूपेण सिद्धिम कुरु कुरु क्रीं क्रीं फट्.  

Spells : Om Krin Krin sadatmne bhotye mum mitre rupen sidhim kuru kuru krin krin phat

After the competition of  chanting this spells, do Prayer ‘Please help me and protect me like a good friend’.
Do this only three moon day mean just three time is required to do. On The third moon during or after the prayer Phantom will be visible in front of you and promise you to help in all problem. This ghost or phantom will work for you only for three years.

Silence Spectral Spells for hypnotize the Ghost Phantom Worship
Silence Spectral Spells for hypnotize the Ghost Phantom Worship

Hindi Version:  भूत प्रेत साधना

अक्सर भूत प्रेत का नाम सुनकर लोगो में भय व्याप्त हो जाता है । उन्हें सिद्ध करने की कौन कहे । वैसे भी उन्हें सिद्ध करने की जो क्रियाएँ वर्णित होती हैं वो कम से कम सामान्य साधको और कमजोर मनोमष्तिष्क वालों के लिए तो नहीं है । ऊपर से ये भ्रान्ति की जो इन्हें सिद्ध करता है उसे ये तकलीफ दते हैं । साधक का बचा खुचा मनोबल भी समाप्त कर देते हैं । परन्तु ये सभी तथ्य वास्तविकता से कोसो दूर है । भूत प्रेत तो अपनी मुक्ति के लिए बैचेन ऐसी आत्माएं होती हैं । जो किसी भी प्रकार अपनी मुक्ति चाहती हैं और परोक्ष अपरोक्ष रूप से सहयोग के लिए तत्पर होती हैं । वे सही और गलत कार्य दोनों कर सकती हैं । परन्तु जब साधक उनका दुरूपयोग करता है तो उन आत्माओं की तो मुक्ति हो जाती है । पर साधक का जीवन दूभर हो जाता है । लेकिन उनका सदुपयोग करने पर आप जहाँ उन आत्माओं को मुक्त होने में माध्यम की भूमिका निभाते हो वहाँ किसी भी प्रकार हानि से भी सुरक्षित रहते हो । प्रस्तुत पद्धति किसी भी प्रकार से हानि रहित और प्रभावकारी है । इसे कोई भी साधक कर सकता है । इस साधना की वजह से सिर्फ उच्च संस्कारों वाले प्रेत या भूत ही आपके वश में होते हैं । जो एक सच्चे मित्र की भांति बिना नुक्सान पहुचाए
हमेशा आपकी मदद को तत्पर रहते हैं । 
भूत प्रेत साधना
भूत प्रेत साधना

अमावस्या के दिन स्नान कर पूर्ण पवित्रता के साथ व्रत रखे । फलाहार करे और लाल वस्त्र धारण करें । सात्विक रूप से प्रेत का चिंतन करे । वो पूर्ण रूप से सहयोगी बन कर मेरे साथ मित्रवत रहे । यही चिंतन आपके मन में होना चाहिए । रात्रि में पीपल वृक्ष के नीचे जाकर पीपल के पांच हरे पत्तों पर पूजा की पांच सुपारी रख कर उनमे प्रेत शक्ति का ध्यान किया जाना चाहिए । फिर लोहबान अगरबत्ती, काले तिल और फूल अर्पित करें और पीपल के पत्तों पर ही दही चावल का भोग गुलाब जल छिड़क कर लगादे और काली हकीक माला से वही खड़े खड़े 11 माला निम्न मन्त्र की करें ।

मन्त्र :-

क्रीं क्रीं सदात्मने भूताय मम मित्र रूपेण
सिद्धिम कुरु कुरु क्रीं क्रीं फट् ॥

और मन्त्र जप के बाद प्रार्थना करे की आप मेरी रक्षा करे और मेरी मित्र रूप में सहायता करे । ये क्रम मात्र 3 अमावस्या तक आप को करना है । अर्थात प्रत्येक अमावस्या को को मात्र 3 बार ऐसा करना है । 3 अमावस्या को सद् रूप में भूत आपके सामने आकार आपकी सहायता का वचन देता है । और 3 वर्ष तक साधक के वश में रहता है ।

गंगाजल में अमृत देखाई नहीं देता, सती का तेज देखाई नहीं देता, जति का सवरूप देखाई नहीं देता, पत्थर में भगवान् देखाई नहीं देता, ठीक उसी परकार शाबर मन्त्रों कि अदभूत शक्ति दिखाई नहीं देती। परन्तु प्रयोग कर और आज़मा कर देखिये - दुनिया को हिला कर रख दे ऐसी शक्ति इसमें समाई हुई है -

इस किताब कि विषेशताऐं निचे दी गई है :

- मनचाहा प्यार पाएं बिना किसी रूकावट के
- अगर धन कि कमी है या अच्छी जॉब नहीं लग रही है तो आपके बुरे दिन ख़तम
- खोया प्यार वापिस पाएं बिना किसी रूकावट के
- - काले जादू , तांत्रिक समश्या, या भूत प्रेत से पीड़ित जरा आजमा कर देखें, कि कैसे तुरंत समाधान होता है
अचूक वशीकरण शाबर मंत्र और अन्य विभिन्न परकार के शक्तिशाली शाबर मंत्र। जो दैनिक प्रयोग में प्रतिदिन काम आते है. चाहे ऑफिस हो, घर हो, युद्ध हो या कोई भी समश्या हो?

100% समाधान तुरंत हाथों हाथ, एक पल कि भी देरी नहीं, बस क्लिक करें, और चौथे स्टेप पर अपने भाग्य को चमकाए अपने हाथों से 

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  1. HI I wanted t know the whole communication process with you. If I want to learn than all the fees and If I buy the book how you gonna send me the book and If I have questions how we are going to communicate furthur. Plus If I need any specific work done, where and how I have to be in touch with you.

    1. These are eBooks you will get a link to download all 10 ebooks. After Getting these ebooks you will get my email id and communicate with me properly.
      What is your current residence?

    2. Then I will send you all ebooks by Emails, Once you process payment from Paypal button available above.

    3. i had few questions regarding this book:
      1. will this help me raise energy and vibrations
      2. Will this book help me clear my obstacles
      3. Will this help me to open my third eye
      4. Currently I can feel the spirits around will it enable my communication channel
      5. Will it help me in meditation

      And I was reading the book in some spells it is written to do under the "peepal tree" which is hard to find here.
      also some yantras so is there any alternatives

  2. 1. Sure - Mantra alwasy generate or spark the spiritual energy and vibrations:
    2. When anybody will get progress in Spiritually then obstacles automatically clear ..
    3. Third Eye will definitely open
    4. Not only with Spirits these will also help you to communicate with the other deities also.
    5. When Spells will shidh, you will meditate automatically

    There can be options except peepal tree, This is not the hard and fast rules:

    Above 10 ebooks will cover your all these desire, but I will suggest you to Full Pack Magic Spells ebooks available on following url, Nothing will remained after this pack, And You will also register with me for future also:
    Please visit and read carefully this:

  3. What are the options included in this pack?
    Will you do some spells for me?
    Will you also help me in my learning process?
    I mean what are the things are there included?
    Last but not the least will my family get any harm from these practices? please let me know?

    Thank you

    1. I will Provide you All Required eBooks !
      Definitely I will Help and Support you in your learning Process !
      I will never provide you such process which can harm you any family member!
      I will not do spells for you but I will provide you my full and complete instructions ...
      All other required instruction is provided on provided url

    2. Okk Baba Ji so the $49.99 is for the required help life time!
      And just for e-books it is $11 correct ? in this package help is not included, right?
      As I told you my requirements which one do you feel is better for me? And yes I m in USA many stuffs are not available here like 'Gomati chakra, siyar singhi' etc.. hope you have something which can be used replaceable stuff...

    3. $11 have only Shabar Mantra ebooks, And $49.99 have some another ebooks also.
      Don't Worry My support will also given to you with Shabar Mantra eBooks ....

  4. Gurugi I have love problem I tried lot mantras no result.I lost all my hopes pls help me gurugi how to get him back with out fail.

  5. Namaskar guruji
    Now a days I m very tensd bcoz my gfrnd left me alone and I had doubt on her mother andher relative a aunty.. that they did something on my gfrnd for the purpose of breakup between me and my gfrnd. We were in relation from last 4 years.. I don't know what happened surprisingly ma life getting ruined and feeling too low. Plz help me to get her back.. I really love her alot. Plz guruji help me.

  6. how can i contact you.I want to ask you some thing

  7. ye sadhna galat hai ismein koi pret nahi aata ulte aapko bahoot bura bhugatna padega isliye mera patko se nivedan hai ki internet ki koi bhi sadhna mantra ka prayog na kere kyonki inse aapko hani hi hogi ye bhi ek naya market tiyar ho raha hai jo logon ki bhavnaon ke sath sath jeevan se bhi khilwad ho raha hai isliye savdhan ho jao maine bahoot si sadhna do se teen teen bar ki per sivaye dhan or samay ki barbadi hi payie in dhokebajo se savdhan ho jao .

    1. Pankaj Ji, Website ke niche saaf saaf diya gaya hai ki Mantra hamesha Sadhak ka Vishvaas, or Guru Ke nirdesh mein hi faldaayi hoti hai. Mantra kisi admi ya insaan ke nahi svyam Lord Shiv ke baanaye hue hai or wo kilet bhi hai, Jo bina Guru ki Sidh nahi ho sakte....

      Information or knowledge ke liye blogs ya website baanayi gyi hai, Obviously jiske paas time hoga wohi isko dekha ga or samzhe ga.

      Manmukhi Sadhana se ap agar ap mantra sidh karna chahte hai to wo kewal nadani hi hai or us se nuksaan bhi ho sakta hai ...

      mein suggest karonga ki kisi Guru ki Ungli pakad lo fir dekhna najariya kis trh badalta hai ....

  8. guruji kalyan aur mumbai matka jeetne ke liye kuch hai kya ...pls help namaskar

  9. guru jee pranam guru jee mera padhne me man nahin lagta kuchh upay bataiye guru jee???

  10. Pranam gurudev, main (Rupesh Sawant) Mumbai se hun aur meri family kuchh saal bahot problem me hai. Financially hum collapse huye hai aur hame lagata hai ki hamare pitaronko vashme karke aur unhe hamarehi khilaf estemaal karke hame nuksàn pahuncha rahe hai. Mere pitaronko paash se mukt karke unhe meri sahayata keliye khada karneka upaay batayeeye. Aapko badi kripa hogi. Aap muze plz detailme meri emailid par sahayata kare. Aapko shatashaha naman gurudev.

  11. Gurudev mera emailid likhana bhul gaya. Mera emailid bikingheaven@gmail.com

  12. guruji koi guru nahi he to kya kare to kyya bhoot sadhna karni chahi ye

