The Death pains
spare the one initiated into MANTRA DIKSHA/Science
Those who take support of the divine name and have the
satsang of his darling saints in their lives, reap more benefits than those who
follow dictates of their minds
Queen Elizabeth was taking her
meal. Suddenly she suffered a heart attack. The doctors declared, “You will not
be able to live for more than five minutes.”
pleaded, “Take all the imperial wealth I posses but extend my life for at least
an hour that I can some important works.
Funeral Ground |
But doctors
cannot put off the hour of death by any means, The poor queen died.
An American millionaire, Andrew Carnegie,
used to boast, ‘When death comes, I will tell it to wait outside till complete
my work. ‘He died while traveling by car. His body had to be taken out of the
man suffers from four types of afflictions at the time of death. One of them is
physical pain. People die in pain. It may be pain of heart attack, old age or
some other. Guru teaches the sadhaka
technique of getting over physical pain. The Guru tells him, ‘The pain
is in the body; it should not enter you. The diseases and affliction affect the
body, not you; the sorrow affects the mind, not you.’ The Guru starts giving
such spiritual knowledge from the very beginning. The sadhakas who don’t
consider the pain of thee body as their pain attain to higher states (after
death). But the one, who believes oneself to be in pain at the time of death,
dies a painful death.
One dying
in pain or becoming a ghost after death is haunted by the pain. The ghost
writhes in the same way in the body it possesses as it did while leaving the
previous body. What is in the mind at the time of death determines the path one
takes thereafter. So saint take care
that there should be good thoughts in their disciples’ minds so that they
should be free from pain and affliction at the time of death.
Secondly, if you have ill-treated somebody
or have oppressed somebody, your conscience bites you at the time of death.
If you have tormented somebody, seek forgiveness of him otherwise that act will
afflict you at the time of death. Aurangzeb died in great pain because he had
killed his brothers and a Fakir named Sarmad. Such heinous sins torment the
soul and cause excruciating pain at the time of death.
The third affliction is caused by
separation from loved ones. One is compelled to leave behind possessions with
which one is deeply attached. One would be preoccupied with things like
cash, bank balance, fixed deposits, marriage of sons, daughters with whom the
mind is attached. King Bhaarata was a great ruler this entire Indian
subcontinent. He was so great that the country was known as Bhaarata after his
name. Bharata thoughts of a deer at the time of death and became a deer in the
next life.
The fourth
affliction is caused by uncertainty about the afterlife. Everybody suffers from
these four afflictions at the time of death but sadhakas were saved from them
because they have self-knowledge, technique of meditation and Gurus Mantras. Their
Self-force, power of intellect and will power are strengthened by jap of the
Guru-mantra. We can not count the benefits
from Guru-Mantras.
Sadashiv Says, To the person who has always Guru Mantra on his tongue, all acts
become fruitful, otherwise not. By the power of initiation one attains success
in all karmas (acts) and particularly in the case of a Guru-Putraka (disciple).
He derives spiritual and supernatural benefits, who has always Guru mantra on
his tongue. One without a Guru is fool. One without a Guru is considered to be
wretched according to scriptures. It is said:
-‘O sensible and clever ones! Don’t be
without a Guru.
-Such a one is vagabond; keeps
wandering from womb to womb.
-He is condemned to hell. Don’t be without a Guru.
-What use is counting beads?
-His mind is wandering all around.
-He becomes the guest of the god of
-Your body is like a precious gem;
you wasted your life without devotion to
-How will you be delivered? Don’t be
without Guru.
-Such a one lacks all insight; he is
mired in the worldly business.
-Never be proud of anything, Don’t be without a Guru.
-O sensible and clever ones! Don’t be without a Guru.
Diksha Required to
choose the right path
Lord Shiva took his consort Parvati
(nature) to Vamadeva for Mantra initiation. Well, who can equal Lord Shiva in
wisdom? So, great is Lord Shiva; yet He took Parvati (nature), the mother of
the world to Vamadeva for Mantra initiation. Mother Kali appeared before
Gadadhar, the priest of the temple at Dakshineshwar, Kolakata, and said, ‘You
take Guru-Diksha from Totapuri Maharaj’.
said, “Mother! You yourself appear before me. Why then should I Need Diksha?”
Temple of Mahakaal, Bhairva and Maha Kali |
Mother Kali
said, “The intensity of your bhava makes me appear. You have my darshan in the
temple. Arjuna had Lord Krishna by his side always. Yet Arjuna needed him as a
The priest
Gadadhar took Guru-Diksha from Totapuri ji maharaj. It is then he realized that
his real self was thee same as that of Lord Krishna, Lord Rama and Mother Kali.
And It is then he became Shri Ramakrishna Paramhansa, Narendra into Swami
Vivekananda, Asumal into Asharam Bapu. Lord Vitthal used to appear in person
before Namdev. The Lord Said to him, “Go and take Diska from Visoba Khechar.”
thoughj I have your darshan …”
“Even I surrender
myself to the Guru when I come to the earth. I went to Sandipani when I
incarnated as Lord Krishna and to Vasishtha ji when I incarnated as Lord Rama.
Are you superior to them?
destroys our attachment and aversion and makes us one with the lord. Had
Mothjer Kali not appeared before Gadadhar to advise him to take Diksha from the
Guru, he would have continued to be
Gadadhar ; he would not have become Shri
Ramakrishna Paramhansa. Had Lord Vitthal not appeared before Namdeva to advise
him to take Diksha from thee Guru, he
would have continued to be a devotee given to emotionalism. So it is essential
to have Mantra initiation to get right direction in the life.
Karma and Reincarnation Theory
God gives us full authority and power to do work; either we
do the good works or sinful works. If we simply do the correct and good works
for all living beings then definitely we will get good and bright future, in
simple words we will get whatever we will do, and this is in our hand what type
of future we want good or bad. If will do the sinful act then definitely it
will destroy our lives.
The concept of karma/work is properly explained in our holy books. Karmas
can be defined as an “act” or “deed” where the universal principle of cause and
effect, action and reaction in which we believe govern consciousness mean god
consciousness. The Vedas (the holy books) have stated that if a person sows
good acts, they will reap goodness. If a person does evil acts, they will reap
Types (Types of Karma):
Our scriptures have divided acts into following parts. These
acts ( Sanchita Karma) – This is the sanchita karma of
our whole life time. These are our total collected karmas of our whole life
mean the sum of total of past karma. These karmas has yet to be faced.
acts (Prarabdha Karma) - The good or bad result of our sanchita karma,
these are totally connected to our sanchita karma or we can say these type of
karma are the fruit bearing karma of sanchita karma which we have to faced and
never can be ignored or rejected.
acts (Kriyamana Karma) – The acts or karma which
generating due to our present life acts are called kriyamana karma’s. these
karmas became the sanchita karma later on.
Fully Independency to do the karma but dependent on his past
karma to bear their good/bad effects: God gives this ability to only human
beings so that they can do sadhana/practice and break the circle of these
karmas and the cycle of birth and death. Because the main reason of the death
and births are KARMAS. All types of sadhanas are performed only to remove these
types of karmas.
Both types of karmas (good and sinful) collected in whole life,
goes with our soul when our death comes. We do the religious work or sadhana to
reduce the effect of our negative or sinful acts. So that in next coming lives,
we can live happily without the pressure of our sinful acts and take enjoy or
our good acts fruits.
Same things (Karmas) are the responsible for reincarnation.
Actually both types of the karmas (good or sinful) are the responsible for
reincarnation. Our soul adopts newly born body to enjoy the good acts or to
resolved the sinful acts effects. If any of them have with our soul then we
have to reborn in this world again to continue our non stop journey. The
family, time, place, social society and culture where the reincarnation takes
place is decided by the individual soul.
mati so gati (Thinking at the time of Death): This is the
main and actual theory. At the last moment of life when a person is going to
death, his thinking play the important role in his death. Mean if a person is
thinking about his pet cat during his death then definitely he will born as
little kitten and if person is thinking about the God then definitely he will
got the God or moksh during his death, The param lakshya or the final
destination of soul.
death, what happen after death, life beyond the death, human karma and reincarnation theory, reincarnation symbol, reincarnation cycle, reincarnation buddhism, reincarnation Hinduism
death, what happen after death, life beyond the death, human karma and reincarnation theory, reincarnation symbol, reincarnation cycle, reincarnation buddhism, reincarnation Hinduism
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